
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Licking wounds

Thanks for the good wishes. I'll write up a report but here's the gist. I was on 3:10 pace right up until kilometre 39. Maybe even 39.5. Then the cramps hit big time. I had to walk. I tried to run and I did. The sun was hitting me (Toronto, plant some freaking trees!) and I was just a mental mess. Thanks to Peter, a former co-worker who ran that half, who came up and helped me get my bearings straight in the last 500 metres. It was a painful last two kilometres and I managed to run in bits but I was a stumbling mess. The marathon is humbling -- I know that very well.

Next time, indeed. Race report in a few days I think.

Chip time: 3:19:39


  1. Kenny- That was heartbreaking... only two miles from your goal... big bummer. Damn cramps!!!

    Better luck in the MCM...

  2. So close!! Glad your shoes seemed to have held out. I was worried that they had given you problems. You'll get it next time!

  3. It's hard to miss your goal like that but you still had a kick ass time. Anything can happen with cramps, etc. I too found the heat very tough-really very little shade. The last 1K up Bay was a struggle too.

    Good look with your upcoming one too!

  4. The sun was killer after 11AM. Shade would have been nice indeed. I also found most of the second half pretty boring and mind-numbing. Still, a good event.

    Sorry you didn't meet your goal, but that is a stellar time. Way to be tough at the end. It's amazing how difficult 2 measly kilometres can be. Humbling is exactly the word I have been using to describe the experience.

  5. UGH! Sorry you were not able to attack your plan as you had planned to! You still deserve a great big CONGRATULATIONS! You were strong, you dug deep and your determination won out in that you were going to finish no matter what, and you did!

  6. I'm sorry to hear things fell apart near the end, so frustrating. You still did really well - good luck at the MCM!

  7. So sorry that things fell apart!! You trained so hard. I guess we never going to know how they're going to work out when we wake up in the morning! Great job holding on and finishing in a wicked time!:)
