
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon: 4 weeks to go (actually, 25 days)

Three more runs until my taper begins. In three runs, I'll have banked 15 weeks worth of heavy (for me) training. Did 14 miles on Monday since it was a day off work, 9 miles yesterday at recovery and 8 miles today with 8x100. I'm have a V02Max run of 6x1200 coming up. That will be a tough run.

Rest of the week, a 5 miler and a 20 miler on the weekend. I'm thinking of pushing it to 22 miles or beyond. We'll see.

Last week's weekly mileage: 62 miles (100K)
Year to date: 1699 miles (2734K)

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