
Monday, September 15, 2008

Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon: 2 weeks to go

Oh lord, 13 days to go. I've been out of town in DC over the last four days so it's been a blur. Been busy as well and my running was cut back a bit.

Here's the update from last week:

Monday: 5 miles
Tuesday: 12 miles
Wednesday: 7 miles
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 3 miles
Saturday: 3.1 miles (5K race)
Sunday: 11 miles

Weekly total: 41 miles (66K)
Year to date: 1809 miles (2911K)

Mileage last week dropped pretty far. I was supposed to do 56 miles I lost 6 miles on Sunday (cut it short, don't regret it) and I raced a 5K instead of a 8K to 10K. Again, no biggy. I'm going to hit my mileage goal this week of 46. There are two key runs this week: The 3x1600 track work and the last medium run of 13 miles on Sunday.

Here's the plan of attack

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 8 miles 8x100
Wednesday: 5 miles Recovery
Thursday: 8 miles with 3x1600
Friday: 5 miles Recovery
Saturday: 7 miles 8x100
Sunday: 13 miles

Only one run that's in the double digits!

I really can't believe it's coming that fast. I bought a new pair of shoes that i'll break in immediately. I'll see by Thursday's workout whether they'll be the pair that i'll wear on marathon day. Also starting to prep myself for the race. I bought The Stick muscle roller thingy in DC and i'll work on my legs. I want to eat properly but not over eat. I want to get enough sleep. Even in hot and humid DC I felt on Saturday that the race showed I have good fitness. I think the weather kinda made me doubt my general fitness but a cool week in Toronto should bring back racing memories to my muscles.

I think the last six days before the race will be key. After Sunday's 13 miler, I'll shut down to prep mode. I really have to focus and shut alot of other things out of my mind. I'm taking off the Friday before the race so I can pretend i'm out of the city. My three marathons so far were held out of town and that got me in the frame of mind. Doing a hometown race will be interesting... More on that later.


  1. Only 2 weeks to go! And all that mileage behing you. It's unbelievable how much you did this summer!

    I'm sure a cool day will boost your performance, summer is definitely over here!

  2. Actually now it's 11 days, 21hrs 40 minutes. Not that I'm counting or anything!

    It's going to be GREAT!!!:)
    See you on the start line!

  3. Can't wait to see how you do. BTW, in case you're looking for some last minute inspiration, the scotiabank theatre is showing Spirit of the Marathon again next Wednesday.
