
Monday, October 20, 2008

Marine Corps Marathon: 6 days to go

It's six days till my next marathon. The other day, R mentioned to me that 'You haven't talked much about this marathon' and she's right. This was never intended to be the A race. That said, I've read your comments (thanks!) and I think i'm going to set a reasonable goal. I've got my goals down and part of the plan is to try for a negative split. I'll state my goals as I get closer to the day.

Anyways, I'm still feeling like I'm recovering from sickness and I'm going to take it easy tonight. I just got in the mail the Spirit of the Marathon documentary which I saw last spring. I'll watch it this week and bring it with me to DC to watch before marathon day!

Last week's mileage: 27.5 miles (44K)
Year to date: 1982 (3189K)

Week's plan
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 5 or 6 miles
Wednesday: Dress rehearsal 7 miles with 2 at pace
Thursday: 3 miles
Friday: 4 miles
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Marathon

1 comment:

  1. I loved Spirit of the Marathon - great pre-race movie.

    Enjoy your last week of "training"!
