
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Marine Corps Marathon: Done and done

As you can see from the alerts, I finished with a 3:30. I went out about 100 metres behind the 3:10 pacer and knew after 10 miles that this wasn't my day. I've lost fitness and my legs aren't fully recovered. So I started taking walk breaks as the slight cramps hit after mile 20. I enjoyed the last 6 miles, stopping to talk to R and soaking it in. I wasn't in pain and I knew I could have given it more but I wanted to emerge unscathed. I ran the last mile at about 8 mile pace tacking myself on to the 3:30 pacer so I could have run it faster. Enjoyed it immensely, thanks for following guys. This was not the fastest by far but it was a good experience of testing my limits.


  1. Awesome! I'm glad you're happy with your time =) And hugging R in the middle of the marathon must have made it a lot nicer! No point of pushing when you know it's not your day. Glad you finished upright and smiling =)

  2. Congrats, Kenny. Hitting two marathons within a few weeks of one another is a major accomplishment.

  3. Sorry to hear it. That's the nature of the beast, of course.

  4. Well done! Two marathons within a month is spectacular and glad you enjoyed it.

  5. This wasn't the apathetic approach that we talked about, I know :p , but like everyone else said here: two marathons in such a short time span is really something else. It sounded like you enjoyed yourself the whole time and "emerging unscathed" is the most important part -- both mentally and physically.
    Way to go for an accomplished year of running (not that it's finished but you can take it a little easier now. A little.)

  6. Glad you enjoyed yourself at the end. Now take some time off. It was fun in Niagara for me. Basically a long run. It was a bit more windy than i was expecting. No rain though, so that was good.

  7. Thanks everyone for your kind words. I'm looking forward to the 'off season' and I'm glad I ended this marathon with a steady run. Race report to come!

  8. You simply amaze me!


  9. I wish I had been home to see the alerts earlier - that's cool!

    Congratulations. Sweet medal too!

  10. Umm Amazing!
    Seriously. You rock. 2 (REALLY fast) marathons in 4 weeks. Seriously, if we add up your times, you almost get my time.
    Rest. For real this time;) and recover!

  11. Anonymous9:30 PM

