
Monday, February 16, 2009

Runner's shout out

The web is now exploding with runner blogs and I'm very happy that there are more of us out there. We talk daily or maybe weekly about what it is like to run. Non runners may be bemused about how could runners talk day in, day out, about such a simple act, putting one foot forward.

Of course, us in this inclusive club (taking new members every day) know there is much more than strapping on shoes and an iPod for a jog. Runner blogs are usually written by those who've taken a step farther, maybe those who are losing weight or are training for goals.

Today, running my 5 miler, as I was increasing my stride rate to catch a green light, and as I waved at a bunch of kids who move aside so I could run by, I felt what I've always known. That there aren't many times that we get to the true human state. Not the metaphysical or spiritual or intellectual state of being, but reconnecting with the physical sphere. Striding at your fastest, wearing not much on a cold day, you may be recreating the form we lost a long time ago. We bound now after goals and time and stop signs, but back then we ran for life or to hunt or just to live. I felt that today, and it felt great.

The subject of this post is a 'shout out' and I wanted to congratulate an amazing runner, Ryan, who I've been following since 2006 when I first started run blogging. He was one of the half dozen or so runners who were blogging about their training for the 2006 Chicago Marathon, which was my first. Over the years, I've followed his progress as he qualified for Boston, ran Boston, had a child, got promoted, gunned for personal bests after personal bests or licking his wounds after a sub-par performance.

Yesterday, he hit another target, the vaunted sub-3 hour marathon. Ryan makes me believe that I can BQ one day. I subscribe to his philosophy, that not just with pure talent, but with smart and hard training, one can follow their dreams. In my mind, I'd love to carry the confidence and training he brings to every race day. Congrats Ryan!


  1. Anonymous5:57 PM

    You'll get to Boston someday, no doubt in my mind. Don't stop believin'!

  2. Ryan is one animal!!! You're definitely close to a BQ my friend!
