
Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Marathon is a go

Yeah, so in the third week of marathon training, with 9 weeks to go and I hadn't signed up. Tonight, that's been fixed. I registered for the Mississauga Marathon.

So, here's the race calendar. I've signed up for everything but the Capitol Hill Classic

March 15: Achilles St. Patrick's Day 5K race in Toronto
March 29: Around the Bay 30K in Hamilton/Burlington ** Goal race targetting 2:15
April 4: 8K AND 5K Harry's Spring Runoff in High Park Toronto (that's right, doing two races in the span of two hours) Race 8K, jog 5K
May 3: Sporting Life 10K in Toronto Non goal race since it's a week from marathon
May 10: Mississauga Marathon ** tentatively targetting 3:20. May go for 3:15 if ATB goes well.
May 17: Capitol Hill Classic in DC10K Non goal race.


  1. both the 8k and the 5k? Yikes. I was thinking of wearing a suit and doing one of those races as a stunt.

  2. Funny, I just signed up for Mississauga (half) as well. Looks like a great plan!
