
Saturday, April 18, 2009

I guess the taper has begun

Oh yeah, did I mentioned I finished my last 20 miler before the marathon, so I believe I can call the taper now.. I have a 11 mile run tomorrow, but the work is in me. As I said earlier, I'm not in optimal fitness but whatever.

What is kinda nice is that I ran it pretty much like I wanted to. Started out at a slower pace and ramped up so the last 7 miles or so was done at sub 8 minute miles, sub 5K. And the final time of 2:42 is a lot more impressive compared with my last 20 miler done in 3:01 (okay, that was the day after I did two road races, but ...)

My thought is this. I'm actually doing okay. I may reevaulate and see if if 3:20 makes sense.

Here are the splits
1 5:26
2 5:31
3 5:31
4 5:30
5 5:20
6 5:25
7 5:10
8 5:07
9 5:07
10 5:02
11 5:08
12 5:08
13 5:01
14 5:04
15 5:03
16 4:51
17 4:59
18 4:59
19 5:04
20 5:29
21 5:25
22 4:42
23 4:53
24 4:59
25 4:44
26 4:55
27 4:42
28 4:56
29 4:55
30 4:44
31 4:53
32 4:49



  1. wow... speedy 20 miles! Let your taper begin! Running 20 in the morning :)

  2. Nice job picking it up in those later miles. Happy Taper!
