
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

More races and skipping track work

Added a few more races to my calendar but at the same time a little disappointed I forgot about the Army 10 Miler. I ran it the last two years but was too late in signing up for the October race.

That said, I was able to sign up for the Nightcrawler 5 miler, one of my favourite races of the year run around the first day of summer (the longest day of the year) and the Capitol Hill 10K, run a week after my marathon. It winds its way around the Capitol building and around RFK Stadium in DC. Another smallish community race.

There's one race I'll be able to do three years in a row. I've signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon on October 25, 2009. Yep, that's a week after a possible goal marathon. Will have to see how things go, but I wanted to give myself the option of MCM before it filled all the way up.

In my continuing acceptance that the spring marathon is not a BQ attempt, I skipped today's 5x600 trackwork in favour of a straight out 8 miler. Felt right to be doing that today. An 11 miler scheduled tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Fall races selling out already! Eek!

    I should probably register for STWM and/or Toronto soon... although I don't think they sell out until later in the summer.
