
Monday, May 25, 2009

My New York decision and the road back to marathon training

Okay, even though I saw the $275 Canadian charge on my credit card bill today from the New York City Marathon, I'm going to bite the bullet on that cost and do the NYC Marathon in 2010, deferring this year's entry. One day, I won't be surprised if I do three marathons in three weeks, but I don't want NYC -- possibly a do-it-once race -- run on tired legs. So i'll do Toronto, Marine Corps then go into my rest phase. Be interesting how I'll treat NYC in 2010. A victory lap or a full out attempt to race. Who knows.

Feel like I'm getting back into base mileage mode a lot faster, two weeks out from the marathon. I knew that when I turned my Saturday 'long' run of 8 miles, prescribed by my marathon post-race cycle, into 13 miles. Ran it in 1:41:15 or 7:43 per mile pace. I ran it with a heart rate monitor and kept my bpm around 150 mark for the first 15 or so kilometres.

Last week's mileage topped out at 31 miles, the week before was 24 miles.

Here's the plan this week:

Monday: 5 miles
Tuesday: 5 miles
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Rest or 3 miles
Friday: 8 miles
Saturday: 5 miles
Sunday: 13 miles

That will bring me up to 36 to 40 miles for the week.

Year to date mileage: 727 miles (1170K)


  1. Sounds like the right decision. NYC will be such an incredible experience, and you don't want to be burnt out!

    Nice job getting your base mileage back up.

  2. Good call I think. Btw I tried to make a book out of a travel blog using the link you put in your post a long time back. I couldn't figure out how to upload an entire blog though. Is that what you were able to do? Either I'm challenged (quite possible) or they no longer have that feature.

  3. Smart decision. Better to spread out your enjoyment than to ruin what should be a fund race by squeezing in too much running (which is tough, but indeed possible). I feel certain your body will thank you.

  4. Re: your comment - I found myself comparing it to Scotia. In reality, I believe the temperature was warmer at STWM. However, it FELT hotter - likely because I am not remotely acclimatized.

  5. welll that was a fast 13 miles!! Good call on the NYC marathon - it will also be fun to see how you do with the 2 big ones in a row. That already sounds like a lot to me!

  6. FYI I answered my own question but there is another similar application out there that works with Blogger--what you used before does not work at this time.

  7. Here is the url:

    It seems to work well--you have to play with any hyperlinks as they won't print (i.e., edit to show the actual url) and also check if the photos are high enough resolution.
