
Monday, May 04, 2009

Prepping for Mississauga Marathon

Ugh, checked the forecast for the next six days. They're calling for lots of rain, although my runner's obsessive weather checking usually shows that things change all the time. 

There's a lot I can't control, like the rain, but I starting to prep for the coming marathon. I gotta start gathering my gels and figure out what gear  i'll need.

I have been thinking of running with my own Gatorade supply, or just enough so I have stores for the final half, when I'm more likely to start to feel dehydrated. 

Now comes the big question: What pace? My 10K yesterday gave me a much needed confidence boost in my lactic threshold, so much so that I may reevaluate my goals. I was eyeing 3:30, but now I just can't help to see how things go if I chose a faster pace.

Whatever, I'll have a few more days to mull things over. Here's a tenative plan for the rest of the week, slightly adjusted from the Pfitzinger Douglas schedule.

Monday: 5 mile recovery 

Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: 7 miles w 2 at MP
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Rest or 3 mile recovery with strides
Saturday: 2 miles
Sunday: Race


  1. I've been eyeing the weather too...

  2. Rain! Ack. I can handle it for a half (as demonstrated two weeks ago) but I feel for you marathoners. Fingers crossed that it changes.

    Enjoy your final taper week and good luck with your game plan. I'm stumped, too. I just don't know what I'm capable of. I want to feel like I have my all at the end, but don't want to start too fast and burn out in the final 5K.
