
Sunday, June 14, 2009

It's go time

Well, that was my break, 5 weeks off of marathon training. It's almost been like a reverse taper. The mileage from the past five weeks:

24 miles
31 miles
35 miles
45 miles
42 miles

I decided to not progress from 45 to 50 miles this week, wanted to give myself a breather before I go into it. Officially, I'm doing the 70 mile peak program, but having done it last summer, I know it's a tough one. I'm seriously thinking of paring down the mileage a wee bit by turning a recovery day into a rest day. If so, then I'll run 5 days a week and my mileage would probably top at 65 miles, which could actually be a good thing.

I think I could get battle ready on the 55 mile program but I'd like to be in top form by this fall. The difference between the 55 mile and potentially 65 mile peak adds up to an extra 10 miles on average through 18 weeks, so that's 180 extra miles. If that will bring me over the top, then i'll believe it.

This week has me peaking at 55 miles and includes my first quality run, a tempo run. As it turns out, i've sign up for a 5 mile race on Wednesday night, so that will substitute quite nicely.

Time to get down to work. Marathon day in 18 weeks.

Week to date: 42 miles (67K)
Month to date: 87 miles (140K)
Year to date: 849 miles (1366K)


  1. that's some serious mileage!! Wow

  2. Good luck with it. As for 5k's, I'll probably be doing one in ajax next saturday. I've done the 10k there before. The following week is the Pride 5k which has a lot of fast people in it which is probably good for pacing.

  3. Time to kick off the training! Here's to a successful 18 week program. Have fun at the night crawler - as it turns out, hubby is flying home from Montreal that night so we couldn't make it.

  4. Wow...I can't imagine anything over a 35 mile week! :)

    I agree - 10Ks and 5Ks always demand more than you expect, but maybe because you expect to go so much faster for a shorter distance? who knows, but I'm having fun with it! Are you incorporating any races into your training??
