
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fitting in quality running

No doubt, I'm hitting the high mileage in my program but in reality, I have another six and a half weeks of logging mileage of between 55 miles and 70 miles before I begin tapering. Like I said at the beginning of this program, I'm tending toward the 70 program but there will be weeks that I'll hit the mid 50s, being careful not to break down the body.

I just came off a big running streak, one that saw me log three 20 mile days in five days, a Monday to Sunday cycle with 72 miles and an 18 day streak. More insane, there was a seven-day period that I logged 92 miles. I do have more time on my hands to get this pure endurance in since I don't start work for yet another two weeks, but now I want to really hone in on some specific aspects of my running.

Where I am today is probably 3:20 to 3:25 marathon shape. I say that because I believe with constant running I can maintain that type of speed over the long distance. My last long run of 20 miles, I was able to comfortably keep a sub 8 minute pace. I`ve been able to slog my way through hot runs. What will bring me to 3:15 shape will be more time for more endurance training but also the insertion of quality.

The heat has finally come and now I'm trying to strategically place some of my tempo work. I missed a 6 mile LT run last week, something I hope to do this week, maybe on a treadmill. Runs like this really get you ready for marathoning but they're also the most daunting of training for me. It hurts. On the pace side, I`m really looking forward to racing again, with a 30K run in two Saturdays that I will try to do at pace, it will be a perfect tuneup, a 19 mile run trial.

So I`m off to DC then to New York. We`re staying a block away from Central Park so I`ll catch the NYC Half Marathon on Sunday and will look out for the likes of Ryan Hall. Yes, i`ll bring my camera! We`ll also get in a few runs in Central Park.


  1. wow. you're doing so well with your training! congrats on sustaining the high mileage weeks! Safe travels :)

  2. You've really been racking up the mileage! The heat definitely makes it difficult to nail quality runs (and your quality runs are MUCH more daunting than mine!). I'm also using the 30K as a trial. I'm hoping it will help me figure out what kind of marathon I can run!

    Have a great time in DC & NYC!

  3. Every single time I go out for my pathetic 5-7ks I think of you and tell myself to suck it up. You're awesome.

  4. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Nice running! I'm envious you're able to handle the mileage ... you must be doing something right, so pat yourself on the back for that!
