
Monday, August 24, 2009

Now for some long mileage

After last Saturday's 30K race, I'm left feeling pretty confident that I can do well at a fall marathon, given the right weather conditions. Marathon pace actually felt comfortable, not easy, but doable with more training.

I'm now left with five weeks of heavy training before the taper begins. The Pfitzinger schedule has me doing a 70 mile week, a 68 mile, a 64 mile then another 70 mile week.

I'm not quite going to ramp up the schedule right up to that max, as I just started my new job today. I have some track work and key tempo runs I'd like to get in the next two weeks, otherwise, some of the recovery days i'll just take off to ensure I do quality work justice.

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 6 miles a.m. / 4 miles p.m.
Wednesday: 15 miles
Thursday: 6 miles (option to skip or tone down to 3 miles)
Friday: 11 with 7 at LT
Saturday: 5 miles (option to rest or crosstrain)
Sunday: 22 miles

The key looking at the schedule above is to keep endurance up (ie., a 10 mile day followed by a 15 mile run), some tempo (Friday's LT, shudder the thought) and the long long 22 miler on Sunday. Friday and Sunday are hard days as is Wednesday. In short, wow, this will be a tough running week.

Here goes nothing.


  1. That is some week! You can do it. Don't look too far ahead... one run at a time.

  2. Anonymous6:42 PM

    oh wow, i can't even imagine reaching that mileage in a week....Good luck!!

  3. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Nice training, and even better attitude! Confidence like that is hard to come by during marathon training ... you should be patting yourself on the back for nailing the mental side of training! Keep up the good work!
