
Sunday, September 20, 2009

A setback

I scratched myself from doing today's 10K race because I'm dealing with a lower calf soreness that I'm worried could get worse if I don't take care of it now.

This past week, I skipped my Monday rest day after doing a 66 mile week and did 10 miles. The day after, I did 12 miles, but at the 6 mile mark, while I was doing some recovery pace (glad I wasn't giving it), I felt a tinge of pain in the left lower calf. I stretched it out and noticed it was pain I haven't felt before.

I jogged home and took the next three days off as R. was in town and we had tickets to see U2 for two nights. In the meantime, I think I have a slight pulled or sprained achilles tendon, which runs from the heel to the lower calf. The pain is not on the heel area but the area right below the calf. I've read that tight calves and high mileage can cause this.

The way to recovery is copious stretching, icing and rest. I've iced it and am using compression socks to give myself a little bit of support. Ran 10K yesterday at a 5:25K pace and it acted up a little. Right now, I'm going to try a 5K jog to get the blood flowing and see where things stand.

I've now missed the long run and some big mileage this week. I'm not too worried but there a more than 80% change I'll have to take this week really lightly. I can even see myself doing short aerobic runs (3-5 miles) in the next five days ahead of my half marathon next Sunday, which I may just do at an easy pace, do at marathon pace or skip all together.

I'm being tentative because I'm a week from the taper, I've put lots of training in the bank and I think I can miss major mileage in the next while to get in some recovery. I will switch to lower mileage and in a few weeks, I'll know if I even want to attempt a 3:15:59. I can build up some lost fitness during the taper period.

I'm a long term runner and though the sprain/pull is not major, I know that if I push it, I can injure myself for good. That's not what I want to happen.

UPDATE: Did a 5K run and it actually felt okay. Stretching, using The Stick and will see how this feels tomorrow morning. Think I may switch to AM/PM runs to get the mileage in but not all at one.


  1. I was wondering what happened when I didn't see your name in the results. Sorry to hear about the calf. These things happen from time to time. YOu are doing the right thing by taking it easy. You went to see U2 twice? Were the two shows any different?

  2. Happy to hear that it seems to be improving! Keep up with the RICE as much as you can. I like how you say "longterm runner" - definitely something to keep in mind. It's easy to lose sight of the big picture sometimes.

    Wishing you the best and hoping you can run Scotia without issue, and subsequently get that BQ next month. You've worked hard this summer and I'm sure this minor setback won't hurt you.

  3. I'll echo what other two said. you're doing the right thing, and I hope that RICE and stretching and lighter mileage will help you recover so that you can reach all your goals :) Good luck!

  4. This is where experience comes in and allows you to realize what is going on and slowdown to reduce the risk of real injury. Good work on listening to your body.

  5. AGree with the above-Marlene is right--take the long view.

    if we both bail on the Scotia half we can just show up and pace Marlene or give her orange slices and other treats!

  6. Thanks everyone for your concern. It's feeling a lot looser and better, going to cut out speedwork and just concentrate on maintaining fitness.

    Fran, the two shows were slightly different, both were great!

    After today's run, I know I'll do Scotia. I'll know by Friday what kind of pace I can attempt.

  7. Good for you for listening to your body. Good luck with Scotia as well! I'm also VERY jealous of U2!
