
Friday, October 16, 2009

Arrive to the start line ready

I walked home in the sun and thought the weather was just about perfect. Yes, it's on the chilly side, but i'll take a high of 10C and sunny, starting at 2C, over a humid day with temps in the high teens or 20C.

I was kinda nervous about the week. The weather has been a worry. The cold or flu that has been making its way around my workplace has had me dousing my hands in sanitizer solution every few hours. Now that I'm safely isolated, having picked up my race pack, I just have a few tasks left.

-figure out my race day gear: I'm going with shorts, a short sleeve with a long sleeve on top, gloves and my MCM race hat. I've got my throwaway track pants and sweater to keep warm in. The shoes, I'm leaning toward wearing my new 1140s. I have broken them in over the last two weeks, having done a 17 miler and 13 miler on them, and they feel good.

-fuel up over the next few days: Just made the trip to pick up my pasta dinner and pastries (bagels, pretzels) at the market. That'll form my dinner tonight and i'll cook up my pasta tomorrow. I'm also starting to really hydrate aggressively with Nuun, soup and Gatorade. For dinner tomorrow, it'll be an early pasta meal followed by a late night snack of a bagel. For race-day brekkie, it'll be a bagel with jam, a banana and maybe a pancake. Before the race, i'll down a gel 30 minutes prerace.

-fuel plan for the race: 5 gels will be on me, and i'll mark clearly on my pace band when to take them. This is a huge tip that reminds me every 35/40 minutes. Will also bring GU chomps to munch on. Will also bring my own supply of water so I can take my gels on my own sked.

-routine: Sleep, rest, a short run tomorrow and watching the Spirit of the Marathon as my prerace inspiration. Will also stretch, visualize those hills.


  1. I'm pulling for you! I think it's gonna be your day.

    I agree totally re: the weather. This is way better. But I'm not sure about shorts vs. longs--since I start an hour early and will be done by ten, it's a different assessment than your later and longer race...

  2. Sounds like you're playing it smart. Good luck! I'll be excited to hear about your race.

  3. Enjoy! Tough call re: the weather and clothing. It's at that border line between one and two layers.I may head down to watch the start so i'll be on the lookout for you.

  4. Hey again. Trying to do this on my BB. The website makes it sound like the kit included a baggage tag but I didn't see one. If you don't have one I'm sure you can attach something with a bib number and name or they will have them there at the Bekins truck. I'm being met at the end so am not checking something. I'd take your bag too but the timing may be quite off. But let me know and good luck!
