
Monday, October 26, 2009

The Boston Marathon and my victory-lap year

Got the confirmation that I've been accepted to run the 2010 Boston Marathon! It took them about a week to process my application. Plane and hotel will be booked shortly.

The year 2010 in my running life will also be dubbed 'The Victory Lap'. I will run two of the marathon majors, Boston and New York. In truth, I began that victory lap yesterday with running the Marine Corps Marathon a week after I got my Boston qualifier. I had such a blast and loved it. Will write up the race report later this week.

Here are the races I'm now eyeing with the focus again on the marathon:

Marathons: The tentative plan is two in the spring, two in the fall. Yes, four! Time goal is to pursue that 3:10 or faster in the fall.

Spring: I want to enjoy Boston, which may mean I'll go for a more comfortable non BQ time pace, like a 3:25 - 3:30. We'll see. The second marathon may also be for fun and set me up for summer training (anyone need pacer?). But I may aim for a sub 3:15 if my winter goes great. Since I'm paying a bucketload for Boston, the second one will probably be local (hello Mississauga?).

-Boston Marathon, April 19 (confirmed)
-Mississauga Marathon, May 16
-Ottawa Marathon, May 30

Fall: The first marathon I run will be a 3:10, or failing that another BQ (even though my 3:12:36 BQ this year gets me into 2010 and 2011). NYC I will definitely do for fun.
Toronto Goodlife, late October
Niagara Falls Marathon, late October
Marine Corps Marathon, Oct. 31
NYC Marathon, Early Nov. (All but confirmed. I have guaranteed entry, but can defer)

Other races I'll probably do. Note not all races are equal, many I do as part of my marathon training (tempo, LT or MP runs) and don't all-out race.
-Achilles 5K, March 14, try for another sub 20.
-Suntrust National Half Marathon on March 20 in DC, do as a scenic long run
-Around the Bay 30K, March 28, likely go for a sub 2:15, tuneup for Boston (awesome hill training!)
-Harry Spring Runoff 5K or 8K, on April 3, a marathon pace run tuneup for Boston (hill training!)
-Cherry Blossom 10 miler on April 11, lottery entry this year, would run if I was in DC
-Sporting Life 10K on May 3, tuneup for 2nd spring marathon
-Capitol Hill 10K in mid May, fun run if I'm in DC.

-Night Crawler 5 miler, mid June, nice opening to marathon training
-Acura 10 Miler in July, a chance to do LT work and pace work in race setting
-A Mid Summer Night's Run 30K in August 21, perfect long distance marathon pace run
-Toronto Scotiabank Half Marathon, in late September a pace run or all-out race


  1. That's exhausting! I can feel the enthusiasm comign through the computer-good for you!

    I'd ask you to pace our group for Cleveland, but we'd be wayyy toooo sllloooowwwww for you.

  2. That's tiring just reading it. I don't think I'll be pacing Otttawa so the 3:50 bunny will be up for grabs. I can put in a good word for you with the organizer.

  3. 2010 is going to be a fantastic year for you :)

  4. Congrats on the confirmation! It's OFFICIAL!

    Your tentative plans look great. It's going to be a fun year! I'll likely see you at many of those races.

  5. Hi yukme. Congrats on qualifying for Boston, cool plan you got there for 2010!

    I'm a new runner with turtle pace, been reading and learning from your blogs.

  6. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Question regarding Around the Bay:

    Would you use that as your last Boston long run? Or do you think you'd do one more after that? I ask because I've never done a hard 30k within a month or so of a marathon (other than a traditional long run), but would love to do Around the Bay next year...though I'm paranoid with it being so close to Boston. (Rationale: everything I've heard about ATB makes it sound even tougher than Boston's course (which is challenging, though I think people underestimate the downhill first half and get too scared of the Newton hills...where I actually ran the fastest!))

    Congrats on your excellent season. I discovered your blog when I was training for the Waterfront last year, and have been lurking since then.

  7. Thanks everyone!

    Mark, haha, i don't think i'm going to Cleveland. Also not sure if I can really pace effectively for the marathon distance.

    Fran, I'm thinking I should pace a half before trying a full. Thoughts?

    angryrunner, left a comment on your blog

  8. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Congrats (again) on boston! Bet it feels more "official" now :)

    I like the DC-ers on that list! They're the good ones. I'm trying for Cherry Blossom too - and will obviously be at both National and MCM (is it really on Halloween?! weird). Come join (although there's No way I could pace with you...)!

  9. Congrats on the BQ! Awesome race plan. This year I had Boston and New York is coming in a few days, it really does make for a whirlwind season.

    Waterloo is a marathon to consider in the spring, if Mississauga isn't calling to you. I think the new Whitby Marathon will be in the spring as well.

    Angryrunner - I ran Around the Bay before Boston this year, as did most of my training group. There was three weeks in between, which was enough time to recover (I ran the 30K as my final long run, at marathon pace).

  10. Heather, I am liking the idea of the National Half.. not the full, i don`t think.. that`ll be your first!

    runshorts, good luck with the nyc, i`m gonna research whitby and waterloo.

  11. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Thanks again, yumke and runshorts!

    Might have to put in my Bay Race registration along with forking over my entry fee to the BAA ;)

  12. Congrats again on your BQ! Looks like 2010 will be an awesome year for you! I'm running my first marathon in Ottawa in May with a few other races earlier in the year (ATB, etc.). I'm pretty psyched for it. Not sure about the fall yet - thinking Scotia for sure.

    Really enjoying your blog. Thanks again.
