
Friday, October 23, 2009

Marathon expo = spending in excess

I do love the mega marathon expos. Not only because I can get free beer (as I did today), but because you'll find so many specialty products that you may not find at your local running store. I went this morning to pick up my Marine Corps Marathon race kit.

I've purchased a lot of gear in the past 5 years, but I've also come to a point that I have enough clothes that I don't spend a hell of a lot during the year. That is, until today.

First, race gear! I picked up a hat, my third MCM hat. I love Brooks hats, they are the most aerodynamic and they fit me great. Fine for hot days too. I also purchased a raceday jacket. Yeah, i'm a sucker for these things.

Next, I saw these compression socks that I've added to my collection. I'm wearing them now. Like them more than my other ones cause they're thinner, making it more likely I'd wear them. The brand is Recovery Sock which I'm told is from Italy.

The next picture includes everything else:

-A box of high end Roctane GU gels (I got them to give me 12 orange and 12 of the blueberry flavour) for -- wait for it -- $50. These gels are way more expensive than the normal kind and would cost me a fortune if I continue to buy them in Canada a few at a time. They threw in two new flavoured ones and a pair of GU running gloves

-A pair of arm warmers (haven't been able to find them in Canada) from Asics.

-A race number and gel belt, just in case.

-An iFitness belt that can hold a cellphone and up to 7 gels and also stay snug. I may bring my phone with me on Sunday.

-A big fridge magnet "26.2 - Been there, run that"


  1. Look at all the swag!! Very nice. Incase I don't get online again, have fun on Sunday! (I won't say good luck, because I KNOW you're not racing!)

  2. I like the socks... and why wouldn't there be arm covers in Canada - seems like a big market to me. Good luck and have fun on Sunday. Such a cool race!

  3. i bought the same brand of recovery socks in Boston. I find that they aren't tight enough, but I don't really have anything to compare them to. Enjoy your run this Sunday.

  4. you cleaned up at the expo! nice!! good luck sunday :)

  5. I bought the iFitness belt at the Expo lastweek and it was a good pick up. Enjoy tomorrow!
