
Monday, October 19, 2009

The post race moment

(Or what I said after getting my BQ!)

Here I am moments after getting my medal and seeing my friend Jelly, her cousin and husband. Jelly, who played the great cheerleader yesterday, sent me this video


  1. Ha, I love how you say it so casually. Hubs sends his congrats as well. He asked me today if I think you'll go in 2010. My answer? OF COURSE!

  2. Of course is I'm sure the answer!

    FYI a couple of people I work with did fulls this year-one did Chicago and one did Scotia. They want me to do a spring one with them like Cleveland. One of them says she met you at the Midsummer Night's Run. She wants you to coach the three of us!

    Also I was chatting with someone who did the full at Scotia and then the full on Sunday at Detroit. He was 15 minutes faster at Detroit. That's huge!

    I think cooler is better but I imagine that the training runs in the winter for a spring marathon are very tough plus you lose access to certain trails like the Don and Humber that i really would miss.

  3. Oh yes, of course!

  4. Congrats on the BQ and great run! I ran the GFTM half on Sunday - fantastic course!

