
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Cool, sunny days

I don't mind as much getting in the miles during the maintenance period, the weeks and months between training. I do mind the fact that I don't get to see the sun very often. I spent Saturday with some friends and by the time I got home, only around 5 p.m., it was already getting dark. Some runners like me love to soak in the sun, so putting on my head lamp and blinker on late fall and winter nights leave me a little less motivated.

Today was a different story. Cool, blue skies and just warm enough for the semi brave to put on shorts and a T-shirt. I ran back and forth on the waterfront trail, tackling the hills of High Park and then into the city in the sun and cool shade before stopping at a Starbucks for an Americano. Everyone's out there with their heavy jackets, jeans and shades. I feel kind of like a rebel in my running gear walking a kilometre back to home, cradling my coffee and soaking in the sun. Kinda nice, actually a perfect way to take in a Sunday afternoon. Beats sitting on a couch watching football (no offense, sports fans).

So just glancing at my calendar:

-Holy crap my marathon training begins in three weeks. This post marathon honeymoon is quickly coming to a close. Luckily, I could probably use a dose of discipline in skedding in my training. This is Boston training, after all.
-My ramping up and maintenance mileage is building quite nicely. No major aches. My last four week of mileage has gone from 23 miles, 33 miles, 39 miles and 39 miles again just this past week. Did a 13 miler today and one last Sunday. I'm in DC next weekend and I think I'll try to push it to 15 miles. Time to go long once again.
-I'm at 1959 miles for the year, just 41 miles away from cracking 2000 again. If things go according to plan, i'll do the 2000th mile somewhere in the National Mall next Sunday. Or in Toronto around Dec 1 or so.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I hope your 2000th mile is with us in DC!! haha, that's amazing.

    "holy crap, my marathon training starts!" - uh, my thoughts exacty! Except I only have ONE week...ah!
