
Sunday, November 01, 2009

Maintenance mode = play time

I've been having a lot of fun on the trails this past week. On my first post-marathon run, I lowered the hammer and did a run a little faster than I should have. Today, I was running along a path with posts and I found myself weaving to the left and right of them. Fun running is back, and I'm savouring it.

I think i have a few more weeks in which I'll be able to wear shorts and a T-shirt (with arm warmers). Then it'll be winter mode and time to think about the next marathon cycle, which starts in six weeks.

On a few down moments yesterday, I plugged in my running schedule for the next six months. I know, I know, we're totally anal, us marathoners. When the season is over, we really don't know what to do with ourselves.

All I do know is that it never makes sense to take a total break from exercising, especially for types like me who love schedules. The Pfitzinger program has a 5-week post-marathon recovery schedule that I've plugged in. I've gone a little extra this week (having just done a 9 miler) but I intend to ease back into it.

I've decided that for Boston, i'm going to do a less intense 55 mile a week program from Pfitzinger. I'm not going to kid myself that I'll be able to do any more during the winter. The dark mornings/nights don't help either. For my other spring marathons, I've been able to get away with even a 12 week program assuming i still do the weekly mileage of between 30 and 35 miles in the weeks leading up.

On an interesting note, the BAA sent out an email to past registrants to warm them to apply as soon as they can. Looks like for the 2010 edition, they're selling out quickly. I know a few days ago, they had hit more than 12,800 confirmed. They closed registration in late January but there's talk that it could close earlier.

From the BAA site:
Registration is underway. If you have met the qualifying standards and intend to enter the race, the B.A.A. urges you to register now and not wait as registration is on pace to reach its maximum field size earlier than ever before. The 2010 edition will mark John Hancock Financial's 25th year as principal sponsor of the world's oldest and most prestigious annual marathon.

For the rest of the year, I have a few goals

-Hit 2000 miles. I'm at 1,847 so I should have no problem hitting that target
-Stay and eat healthy right past December. Part of scheduling in my running is to make sure I keep fit. Also, the temptation to eat like I am in marathon training is there, so trying to behave.

Here's the schedule that will bring me right to April 19, 2010


  1. I registered for Boston last week but am waiting for confirmation. I haven't figured out what the training plan will be yet.I'd like to do a Pfitz plan but i'm not sure i'm going to have the time with the commuting now. I'm currently reserved at the Doyle Back Bay. made the reservation months ago and got a pretty good deal.

  2. Thanks for all of your support for Mark before and after the fateful day... we both appreciate it. I think he's actually learned a lot from you, stalking your blog and comments for the last several months. ;)

    He's not in a happy place today, but we'll get him through it. He's already registered for Mississauga.

    Enjoy the maintenance/fun running!

  3. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Apparently the BAA has never sent out notices like this before, and apparently they're not even DONE with confirming Chicago registrations? Insane!

  4. Anonymous11:23 PM

    I love that there's even a "plan" for Recovering after a marathon - I can see myself Happily printing that out! :)

    You're right - there's No sense in taking a Full on "break" from exercising. where's the fun in that? No doubt you'll keep your base strong for Boston training. Comin' soooon!
