
Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Big view of the sky

I am always -- even after running the same trail for many years -- in awe that a 40-minute run can take me well out of the city so that when I look back, I get pretty great views of the skyline. I took a look at some of the pictures I took on my phone in the past week. A few nice ones.

Could not figure out what this was...

Until I saw the next shot. Neat. I remember taking the one below on a night with a full moon. Doesn`t quite capture how bright it was out.

And I really like this shot, partly because I have barely seen the light of day in the past few months. See larger image.


  1. Great shots... makes it even more worth while.

  2. strange artsy effect. I saw the CN tower right away but I was probably looking for it.
