
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A long stretch around the corner

Still haven't decided what pace to do this weekend's marathon. I have a good idea why I'm doing two marathons this spring -- part of me wanted to maintain some momentum going into the spring, and having a race in later May would give me a pause between Boston and when I start to ramp up the training.

So then it crept up on me. Weather looks like it may be good this weekend, so I'm tentatively planning to go out 'easy'. What is easy? Well, I'm thinking 3:30 marathon pace for the first half, then see where I am after that.

Didn't get a chance to run for the last four days, and am on my ninth day of work in a row, with another few coming. So the next few days, I'm going to try to cram in some rest along with the start of carbo loading.

It is weird taking four days off so today's run I felt it was important to reinforce all the fitness I've maintained since I started the Boston marathon training cycle in mid-December. Almost 10K in a decent 7:47 pace per mile, speeding up while the run went on. Felt good, and I think I'll put in two more 6-8 milers in the next few days, take Friday and Saturday light.

Oh, and the reason why I didn't run this weekend? Partly because R. was in town and also was working on a special project, which included spending a surreal weekend with a few notables.


  1. I'm sure you will do well. An "easy" 3h30 is quite the feat in my books anyways ; -)

  2. Hey Kenny, thanks for the comment and all of your support. I'm feeling good for Sunday. Hopefully you'll see me with a big smile at the finish.

    Have a great race! I know you will.

  3. Being able to use 3:30 and 'easy' in the same sentence has become one of my new running goals. Sounds like you've got some options ... all of them good.
    Just recently found your blog (and recently started blogging myself) and really enjoyed your Boston recap. Motivated me to start bringing my camera along on runs, and in general, to share more than just words.

  4. you should have no problem with 3:30. Must have been cool to hang with Bono and Geldof.
