
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Struggling through

I can't remember having such a bad run on a long-run day, but at least I made it through. Today scheduled 13 miles with no particular pace in mind. The weather is starting to heat up so my alarm went off at 5:40 (yeah right) but I was up a little while later for a 7:40 start.

Even in the first few hundred metres, I wasn't feeling it. I was dehydrated from the day before when I wasn't feeling too well in the morning. I must not have taken in enough liquids. So began a 13 miler with many walk breaks and even at the half way point I contemplated walking the 10K back. Again, yeah right.

A few runners played carrot to my rabbit and for that I'm grateful. In the end, run done on a beautiful day. Next time it'll be better. 13 miles in 1:58.


  1. usually a great fun follows a bad one (for me) :) I bet your next one will rock!

  2. Bummer about the bad run. Next one will be better.

  3. it happens. At least, it gives you an idea of your limits and what not to next time. Silver lining.

  4. In a way it's reassuring to know that even super stars like you have an off day now and then. ;)

    But seriously, sorry to hear about the tough run. We had some nasty heat/humidity this weekend.

    Mark didn't drink enough either and paid for it big time.
