
Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Running goes on

Took a long weekend in DC, where it's supposed to be above 100F today. Yikes. The running goes on. That is to say, the miles are getting in there, nowhere close to last year's volume, but i'm not taking that badly.

It's hard to pile on the miles when you're getting used to the warm weather, but DC sure took care of that. I piled on a 13 miler last Thursday on Canada Day on what turned out to be a nice cool day. The rest of the week, I managed miles here and there, including two 4/5 milers on hawt days around the Capitol.

Good to recharge.

We cooked, and ate well.

And went out on a lake.

And watched the fireworks.

I entertained running early this morning in DC, but after wandering around the city last night, it was so hot and humid I just decided to do it after work in Toronto. Tonight, it was humid in Toronto but cooler than down south. I put in a good workman 8 miler.

In all, got in 35 miles last week. This week is supposed to be in the 40s and I plan to hit that with another medium long run this week then I have a 10 miler race. I plan to use that as the meat of a 15 miler long run. Should be interesting.

1 comment:

  1. This heat is killing me! I have been out the door before 5am two mornings in a row and it is alreayd unbearable, leaving me feeling sick both times. This better not last...

    Glad you had a nice long weekend in DC!
