
Saturday, August 21, 2010


I have taken a pretty long break from marathon training the past two weeks, managed to get some mileage but nothing close to what I'm used to. My last long run was a 12 miler last Sunday in Canmore, felt harder because of the elevation, or maybe because we were doing a lot of hiking with pretty good elevation gains. I was working muscles that I don't typically use.

So I haven't entered today's A Midsummer Night's Run 30K race (I've done five 30Ks) not sure where my training is at. So with that in mind, I'm still trying to figure out what pace to choose. My slowest 30K has been in the 2:21 range (4:42 pace), the fastest in 2:13 (4:26 pace). I suppose the right thing to do is to treat it like a long run. Go out at 5 minute pace and maybe a little faster, but don't push it much faster than that. So the target is 5 minute kilometres for the first 5, then assess whether that is reasonable, or faster, or slower. We'll see. Important to get the training back on track and this is the perfect opportunity. So 2:30 finish if my body cooperates. It usually does on race day.

In the meantime, here are pictures and data from one of our very memorable hikes. This one was out to Harvey Pass/Mt. Bourgeau. Amazing.


  1. Gorgeous shots (and glad you didn't have to outrun any bears).

  2. Thanks guys!

    Lisa, I went there for vacation. Did 9 days in the mountains. Was awesome and I highly recommend it.
