
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

About that mileage thing

The good news is that I'm feeling like I could start to do some real quality running now, a month after I shook off a blah first eight weeks of marathon training. Knee issues suck, and two months ago I was just happy to run, let alone think of doing tempo or track work. So now I think I can actually consider doing these harder runs.

The bad news, it's five days until the taper.

Oh well, I tried to ramp up the speed today, the 13th day in a row i've run. Aside from the lack of a rest day, it was nice to try speed but problem was speed today was kinda like marathon pace a year ago. Clearly I've lost some of that top speed that made me hungry last year. About time I regain a little bit of hunger.

So I checked for the first time in a few months how my mileage was doing. I will be lucky if I hit 2000 miles for the year. That said, 2000 is A LOT of running.

My last five Augusts while marathon training

2006: 225 miles
2007: 206 miles
2008: 300 miles (Yes, I can't believe I pulled this off. 70 mile weeks)
2009: 226 miles
2010: 157 miles

Okay, I did take a week off running to go on vacation, but wow, what a difference. In retrospect, I think I needed that week off to give my legs a break (and do massive hiking in the mountains.)

September was looking to be much better but then I got sick and missed a key long run and four days off running. I'm still going to end it strong with a half marathon this Sunday (with at least 5 to 7 miles I'll add before/after the race).

So the taper will either rest me up for an awe inspiring marathon season. Or I'll just make it through the month taking it relatively easy. I think I'm voting for the latter.

10 miles in 1:16:30


  1. Your article more than wonderful ... Good luck always

  2. As you say, knee issues suck. It's been a lost season for me and it's very depressing. Glad to get the vicarious thrill of seeing what you and others are up to. (And of course my wife is doing her first half this Sunday!)

  3. great times! Good Luck
