
Sunday, November 07, 2010

Done and done: The New York City Marathon and my triple play

I felt the love, all the way from Staten Island to Central Park. The New York City Marathon is almost beyond words to describe but I'll write that race report later. What I can say is that it is an amazing experience, one that every marathoner should aspire to run. It is everything you've read about and no one is exaggerating when they say the crowd support is second to none - dare I say it, even better than Boston.

My month of racing three marathons in four weeks is complete. I'm shocked my legs are holding up and my final marathon was fairly strongly run. No wall. Just slight cramping in the final miles but I only stopped to chat with R at mile 23. The final time isn't confirmed but my Garmin was stopped at 3:46:58, faster than the 3:50 I planned. So mission to run all three under 4 hours is done as well. Here are some pictures i took. Many more for my race report.

Plus watch this video I shot at the beginning Watch the video


  1. Congrats on an impressive month of running!

  2. Congratulations and that is quite the accomplishment!

  3. Anonymous7:47 PM

    The medal looks pretty plain this year...

  4. Yeahhhh, CONGRATS!!!

  5. Incredible, what an accomplishment!

  6. ginger11:45 AM

    Great job!!!! 4 marathons in a month? Wooohoooo!!! Way to go!

  7. Exciting stuff. Very exciting. Congrats on the triple and ANOTHER great marathon. I am going to get myself to that marathon one of these days.

  8. Amazing...congratulations!

  9. Anonymous6:27 PM

    nice job

  10. Amazing! Well done and way to reach your goal! I can't wait to read the race report.

  11. That is amazing that you are still fast after so many in a row. How do you top something like that? I sure hope you are taking a well deserved break now :)
