
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The best moments

I did a 5K run this morning, right before we take off for a week south. For the next week, I get to say goodbye to the running layers to throw in some beach mileage.

So this post will have to suffice as maybe the final one of year. About a nice time to recap on my favourite running moments of the past 12 months and some 1900 miles. This was prompted the other day while I was just on an average run that brought back big returns. So presenting my top running moments of the past year:

10. Taking a break from a long run to enjoy the view. A sunrise, the city scape, a view of the trail that I'm only using

9. The first time I put on my Vibrams and went for that first 'barefoot' run. I felt like a kid again. That run hurt after but after learning to adjust and buying those toe socks, I love my FiveFingers.

8. Standing at the back of the first wave, getting ready to run Boston, staring at awe at the runners in front of me. And 13 miles later at the Scream Tunnel.

7. Running the first three miles of the National Half Marathon in DC, I ran alongside and then past running royalty for about 20 seconds. I've never forget what i said to Bill Rodgers. "it's a pleasure to run with you."

6. Carrying the pace sign for the first time at the Niagara Half Marathon. Never felt so privileged to give back a little. And 1:45:02 after the start, hitting my target pretty much dead on.

5. Stopping at any race to say hi to my sweetie. Did it on Boylston and again on 5th Ave. in New York. Speaking of Boston, how about Beer on the course!

4. At the end of all my long marathon training runs. I can't think of a better tonic to the week. You feel exhausted, but in a good way.

3. Standing with hundreds or thousands of others at the starting corrals at any race. It is my most zen moments of being a runner.

2. Feeling so stir crazy at the end of most work days and the first steps to put on my gear. I know pain and joy are on their way and the stress will melt away.

1. Those moments after each of my five marathons this year. That post-race shuffle is well earned because it's really the pause before the next victory lap.


  1. looks like a great year

  2. Looks like a good year my friend, also koodo's on the vibrams.

  3. Congrats on a great year.
