
Tuesday, February 01, 2011

The calm

In 24 hours, I suspect we'll have exhausted all talk of the snowstorm and just look outside and marvel at the accumulations. Me, I'm all about storm preparedness. I got my 8 miler in tonight, the windchill was biting through my layered gloves and my face was frozen, but it's tomorrow's run I'm looking forward to.

Snow sometimes gets in the way of a good run. Part of me is hoping that the snow clearing folks don't make it out to the trails, and part of me thinks that they will. Regardless, I am anticipating an interesting adventure. Actually, the wind gusts and whiteout conditions will make it like many a run I've done years past.

The running is going well as I ramp up the mileage. A total of 46 miles last week, including 15 in DC where I spent the weekend -- glorious run. In total, I logged 171 miles for January compared with 123 in December and 99 in November. The fitness is ramping up. In a little more than a month, I've got my first race of the season, a total of four weekends before I do my pace bunny assignment. Trying to get a feel for speed and decent pace while I trim down post holidays (yes, it's working).

In the meantime, there's tomorrow. My Asics winter running shoes and spikes are ready to go, ready for groundhog day. Yes, winter will linger but the days are already getting longer.


  1. Great mileage! Good for you for getting out there in the cold. I'm on the same page as you with this snowstorm: it is going to be a fun run tomorrow. There have already been a few deep snow saturday runs this winter in Toronto, I hope you got to enjoy them!

  2. It's been so nice finding lingering daylight after I leave work.

    Enjoy the snowy run today!

    Would appreciate yout $0.02 on my post today if you have time. :)
