
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

10 miles of rain, snow, ice, slush and puddles

You know when you're a kid, jumping in puddles always seemed like a good idea. The thing about it, is you can make a big splash, and your rubber boots would keep your feet nice and dry.

Today, I stepped in enough puddles, so much so that I thought there was actual water accumulating inside my shoes. How many puddles, you ask?

No, not half a dozen or even 30 puddles. Ten miles -- 16 freaking kilometres -- of slush.

The forecast didn't look too promising. Snow, then rain, then snow. On my way home from work, it was slush mixed with ice and water.

So I put on my 'water resistant' Asics running shoes with spikes. Yeah right about the water resistant. Within a hundred metres, my feet were soaked. And it never stopped. I would try to run on what seemed like dry ground, but it was nothing but water with a thin layer of wet snow on top. Actually, I was running on slush.

And it would be acceptable that there would be a pile of slush here and there that I could avoid by veering to the left or right (or jump over), but every surface was slush.

Which mean every footstep caused a splash of freezing cold slush that my other foot, on its way down, would catch the spray.

Ten miles of that.

Funny, then, that early on in the run, about 2 miles in, I actually thought about turning back after 3 miles to do 6. No, I was stubborn. I wanted to do 10. But then I didn't realize that the wind was at my back, and I'd have to run against this weather on the way back.


Anyways, all I could think about during this run was the following
-Wow, this really @#$#@ sucks. Oh, there's another runner. Wave at them
-Um, maybe I should have put bandaids on those nips, my clothes were that soaked
-Man, I'm glad Sunday's race was a sunny day in May compared with this.
-If I run fast enough, my feet will warm, therefore warming the frozen water that's inside my shoe
-Marathoners are stupid sometimes

But I did get my 10 miler in. That's pretty good.


  1. I can definitely commisserate with you on yesterday's run! What a MESS! I guess we lucked out with Sunday's weather afterall...

  2. Sounds like my run today. It snowed in the morning then rained the rest of the day. My run home was a mess!

  3. I am amazed at your determination. Good work getting out there!
