Saturday, May 20, 2006

Waterfront, Ottawa style

Originally uploaded by yumkerun.

Okay, it's cold out, and I ate a big meal before heading out (junk food too), so I decided to punish myself with a 10K run (route here). Started at the hotel, which was less than a km from the trail. I did the trail for 4.5K, then ran the other way. Luckily, the wind pushed me back.

I love running by the water, by the way. When it's windy, it's choppy and rough. When it's calm, the water is serene, and makes my running the same.

Well, it's a good week. I can get focused on training instead of thinking about races and stuff. I'm going to do good maintenance running the next month, maybe about 50K to 60K a week so I don' t overdo it. Tomorrow, if it's nice out, I want to run on that trail again. Should be nice if it's sunny

Weekly total: 51K (including half marathon race)
Year to date: 782K

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