
Saturday, September 02, 2006

23 miles? Why not.

So I was e-mailing with Jelly yesterday and she was trying to talk me into running with her to Scarborough, the big suburb where we both grew up. I said I would call her last night if I decided to do it.

Sorry Jelly. I had a guys night at my place, just some old university j-school friends, 70s movies, beer, chips, za, scotch (the smooth 16-year old variety) and cigars. So by the time I was in bed, it was 2 a.m. and a prospect of a long run today was more concept than reality.

But I got up at 7 for some reason and, by 8:20, I was out there, ready to do a 10 mile out and back on the waterfront. Or maybe a 20 miler. It was cloudy. It was windy. And I didn't feel like running the trail alone. So I opted for a city route to visit the west end, downtown, uptown and the harbourfront.

When it was all said and done, I had done 37.5K (23.3 miles) in 3:16:37 with a pace of 5:14 kms or 8:25 miles. It was raining for the last 10 miles but I was happy.


  1. WOW Congrats on the 23 miler!!!

    After that kind of night especially!! =)

  2. There was a time when 10K seemed like a long distance.. It still does feel long, but I actually enjoy the distance running more..
