
Sunday, September 03, 2006

Chicago countdown: 48 days to go

Let the picture speak for itself. I'm very pleased with all my runs this week. I can't believe I'm less than 10K away from doing a 100K week.

This could have very well have been the peak weekly mileage i'll do in this training program. I'm surprised I made it through it with barely sore muscles. My fitness is good, the running's great, the shoes are getting worn down and almost need to be replaced, but the important thing is I did it. A 23 miler yesterday, a 10 miler (16K) today and I ran four weekday days. This is it, the big buildup to marathon fitness. I suppose exactly a month from now, the taper will begin, so I have a lot of work to do, but in my mind, I've become comfortable with high mileage weeks.

Today, I did the out-and-back route on the water toward the west. It's been cool and cloudy and slightly windy the past two days, maybe a preview of October weather in Chicago?
The future looks like this: A nice step-back week next week, followed by me starting a new job along with another 50+ mile week, then another step-back with a half-marathon race at the end of the week, then the last big mileage week with a long run on Oct. 1.

Yikes, marathon day is arriving!

Weekly total: 92.5K (57.5 miles)
Time run this week: 7:57:48
Year to date: 1,813K (1,126.5 miles)
Marathon training to date: 761K (473 miles)


  1. You know, now that you mention it ... marathon day is approaching. Yikes! Where did the time go?

  2. Thanks... I have to start thinking about booking my plane tickets..

  3. Wow congrats on the big mileage week! =) Hoping to get some last minute deals on the airplane ticket? I often get sc*ewed when I wait!
