
Monday, September 04, 2006

Summer's end..

It's Labour Day, so to mark it, we did NOTHING. Slept in, ate bad food, slept more, finished The Day Trader by Stephen Frey, and watched part of the airshow from R.'s 22nd floor condo.

She was dying for a run, so we went on the water and it was really crowded for the end of the Exhibition. I did 6.6K (4.1 miles) in 35 minutes.


  1. Congrats on the 23 miler! I wish I could just decide to go run 23 miles as a spur of the moment thing. I usually have to psych myself up to get a 20 miler done.

    Good luck with the new job!

  2. Ya, nice work as usual on your running. Too bad we couldn't traipse through Scarberia together, but you should definitely do it someday.

  3. Arcaner: Planning your route so you have no choice but to run the extra mileage helps.. The beauty of an out-and-back run. The weather was good too.

    Jellypepper, i think i may run out to scarberia soon... now i just have to plot a course that's scenic.. frankie, i love lazy days.. and we deserve it after long runs
