
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A banned substance?

I decided to book my plane tickets yesterday.. arrive Friday morning, back home on Monday afternoon, not too much sightseeing in between. Speaking of planes, I guess i'll have to check in my power gels now with the new security rules, or else trust that I can find some in Chicago. Somehow I think with 40,000 runners in the city, I may air on the side of caution.

I think my mileage this week will be just above 40 miles, a nice step back from last week. Today, I ran 8K (5 miles) at a reasonable pace.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Ryan.. i'll probably still bring a few gels just in case..

    And as for the Garmin, ask away, my biggest tip so far is to use this freeware (well you can donate):

    It's far superior to the software given with the garmin training software..
