
Thursday, September 07, 2006

Old desk...

Originally uploaded by yumkerun.
I took a picture of my old desk that I vacated today after six years. It was an emotional day to leave the newspaper, and I found it such a relief that I could go for a 5K (3.1 mile) run in, oddly enough, 23:23.

The splits were as follows
Mile 1: 7:57
Mile 2: 7:34
Mile 3: 7:08

Now a I have a day off tomorrow and a day of rest, a weekend with two relatively short runs (10 miles at pace and 12 miles), then I start the new job on Monday at 9:30 sharp.


  1. Anonymous10:15 PM

    I think you should have taken one before you cleaned it up :-)

  2. Tempting wasn't it, mathew.. oh well. i have my trusty laptop and the ceeb, if i'm lucky, will give me more than one screen.

  3. ha! i was thinking the same as ingram! good luck at the new job yumke. to new beginnings.

  4. hahaha you've been caught! I'm guessing your desk was really messy! You should see mine....

    Congrats on the new job! =)

  5. Good luck at the new job, and who the heck starts at 9:30.

    On a side note one of my favorite bloglines blog feeds is called daily dose of imagery. This guy must live in Toronto because so many of his photo's are from there. Check it out.
