
Sunday, October 08, 2006

Chicago countdown: 13 days to go

Some 112 days ago, on a Sunday afternoon, I was at my parents house and ran down the same path I ran as a child in elementary school while we 'trained' for cross country season on, of all things, a suburban street. It was sixteen weeks ago today, and it was a hot day, the temperature breaking up through 30 degrees with high humidity. It was also the day before my marathon training began.

Today I was visiting my folks. I spent a few hours helping my brother prep a few side dishes for dinner, and then while the turkey was doing the slow roast, I went out to run that same cross country training course. It was barely 20 degrees, with clear blue skies and leaves on the street. I ran it fast. I ran it hard. And I ran up the final uphill, which goes on for a good kilometre with a rise of 30 metres (90 feet), with small smart steps, a straight posture, full momentum and a thought in my head: 'I am strong now.' Recovering, resting, healing, tapering, but strong. I ran to my parents' driveway, cooled down, went in and got ready for some Thanksgiving eating. Life is good.

Weekly total: 56K (35 miles)
Time run this week: 4:45:46
Year to date: 2,134.5K (1,326.5 miles)
Marathon training to date: 1,082.5K (673 miles)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks ryan, I do feel prepared, in fact, i don't think i've ever been this prepared for a race.. will be rooting for your BQ!
