
Saturday, October 07, 2006


This was the first Saturday in recent memory that I got to stay in bed all morning. A little glimpse of post-marathon life? Maybe. The weather was absolutely perfect at about 13C (55F) and bright blue sky with plenty of sun. I decided to go with summer wear with a pair of thin polypro gloves to start out with. A good choice. By the 2nd kilometre, I was at a comfortable temperature and just took the whole run slow.

Ran to the Beaches and back for a total of 19.5K (12 miles). Decided to keep it at an easy pace. Oh yeah, I ran 8K yesterday (5 miles).

Like all of you, i'm getting excited. I'm also a bit nervous. Friends are starting to ask me about the marathon, which means it's really gettin close. I can't wait till we get our brochures in the mail.

Tomorrow is my family's Thanksgiving dinner, so i'm heading back to the homestead (okay, it's a suburb) and we'll do turkey with all the fixins. And i'll bring the shoes for tomorrow's 4 miler at marathon pace.


  1. Ah sleeping in, you're enjoying taper!! Isn't wonderful?!

    I think we're all pretty feverish so close to the marathon! =)

  2. Yep, taper is wonderful... I was walking on thewaterfront and kinda jealous of the runners out tehre since it's a beautiful day, but hey, i'm restin..
