
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Long work days

Part of the reason why I switched jobs in September was to take a bit of a breather from a long, grinding schedule. Haven't fully abandoned the concept of long hours, cause journalism really never is a clock-punching job. So today, working a few extra hours, I got out of work a bit late. I was a little miffed at losing some time off my evening, time I would use to go for a run and other stuff just for me.

A short run was the perfect prescription. I'm in the process of convincing myself to go out for at least 20 minutes six days a week. So I did a 5K run after work. It was raining, it was dark and it was great.


  1. I too was a bit miffed from work (what else is new) but between running for the first time since Chicago and running with an old friend, that rain didn't matter.

    How much convincing do you need? If I know you, that 20 minutes will turn into something else quickly.

  2. Yeah, i'm thinking of a 8 miler after work today.. it gets so dark so quickly that i have to run in ugly streets..

  3. I am amazed by your commitment. I have been at work early and staying late all week and, well, I am letting my running suffer. I even missed out on the wonderful weather today -- tomorrow's supposed to be good too. You make it sound so nice to get out there that I am more determined to fit that run into my schedule - at least 20 minutes 6 days a week should be easy enough...

  4. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Great job. It is so hard to go out in the fall in the evenings when it is cold and dark. But it is also so therapeutic.

  5. Anonymous11:14 AM

    i am usually always in a bad mood when i am at work.
