
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Longish run

Finally I thought it was time to rack up some miles. I haven't run more than 6 miles (10K) in a while, so today, I planned to see how I felt after 5 minutes, then plan my route accordingly. I ran a 15K city route, where I had to compete with pedestrians, some of whom like to take the entire width of the sidewalk. Had a few close calls and I guess i really don't have right of way..

I signed up for a 5K race on Dec. 31, a resolution run that JellyPepper has also signed up for. Would be a good way to end of the mileage for this year...


  1. Congrats on getting back at it!! I should definitely sign up for a race as I'm becoming lazy... 4 miles is my longest run so far!!

  2. Thanks sonia.. races help motivate me, i suppose.. then again, sitting at home on the couch motivates me to run as well.
