
Thursday, December 28, 2006

Sick day...

Actually, I'm not taking a sick day, cause i'm between jobs (i love that!) for another 5 days. I have a creeping cold that i'm trying to whack before it gets me. It's one of those colds that attack your lungs and makes breathing difficult.. So i'm taking it easy. I did run 10K two days ago and forgot to report back on my blog.

For now, i'm doing some small planning for my race schedule next year. I think I have an 8K, a 10K and a marathon picked up. It will be a tricky year for running, which i'll get to in my resolution post, but it'll also mean that i'm going to probably pick another marathon that's not in Toronto, probably not in Chicago, but is a big one...

More on that later...


  1. Get better you!
    Race in 2days 11 hrs, 45 mins.... ticktock..

  2. Hope you feel better soon =)

    Another marathon... a big one.... in a warm warm place?
