
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Tis the time for overeating...

Why do i feel like not eating for the next few days? I've had tonnes of good, rich food the past few weeks and now I feel bloated. Butter tarts, turkey, ribs, pork tenderloin, bacon, mashed potatoes, stuffing, fish... While I don't feel out of shape, I'm far from the way I felt in August and September while in the big training weeks.

I ran 5K on Christmas eve, which was a beautiful day. Feel a cold coming on, so i'll tkae it easy, but i'll get in some runs and get ready for the final run of the year next Sunday.

Last week's recap
Weekly mileage: 29K (18 miles)
Time run: 2:03:40
Year to date: 2,499.5K (1,558 miles)

1 comment:

  1. you gotta start burning off those calories sometime.
