
Friday, December 29, 2006

Year in review

Just like we all do in my work life of journalism, i'm filling in the dead days before new years with a good look back at the year that was. I'm a fan of lists, so here are some of the best

By the numbers
Highest monthly mileage: 345.5K in August that included two +30km days (or 20 milers)
Lowest monthly mileage: 110K in December (oh I have the excuses, so..)
Highest weekly mileage: 92.5K between Aug. 28 and Sept. 3 [weekly reviews]
Most hours run in month: 28:50:22 in August
Number of races: 6 (not including a 5K i'll do in two days)
What they were: A marathon, two halfs [12], one 10K, one 5 miler, one 5K [races]

Places, things, memories
Cities I've run in this year: 4
Where they were: Toronto, Ottawa, Chicago, Nice
Memorable non-racing run: Birthday
Favourite posts: [favourites]
Chicago: a look back

Okay, out of time. Tomorrow, I celebrate this blog's one-year anniversary, then start to set goals for next year

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