
Monday, February 26, 2007

A run to (not for) the White House

Originally uploaded by yumkerun.
... okay, that's my not too witty headline for this post. R. is about 25% moved into DC. That is, she's started her job, her air mattress is in her new place (in Penn Quarter) and we're waiting for her boxes and some furniture to arrive from Toronto.

That said, I was there again this weekend when we decided to walk a few blocks from her place and find ourselves in front of (see above) the White House. As you see, a beautiful running day, and I was a bit jealous of the runners who were out there near the Lincoln Memorial while we were strolling.

Jealous in hindsight as well, cause on Sunday morning, little rain turned into big fat flakes of snow which caused me to be caught in DC for an extra night and have to take today off while waiting for a flight back.

Luckily, I was smart enough to go for a run before the snow really hit. I ran from Penn Quarter down to the Capitol buildings, then decided to do a big square from the Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial. It was a nice solitary run as the snow was falling -- a few tourists, a few runners and me, running two miles there, two miles back, then a little of a zig zag journey back to Penn Q. All said, I did 9K and I'm looking forward to next weekend, when I plan to explore another part of DC.

Last week's mileage: 27K (not good, but getting there)
Year to date: Oh boy, losing count.. will have to calculate for a later posting..

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Sounds like you had an enjoyable run! Running is a great way to explore a new area, if you ask me!
