
Friday, March 02, 2007

The big storm... started as blowing snow, then it was near white-out conditions. We got hit by a one-day wonder that caused commuting chaos. And since my newsroom is out in the boonies, we decided to keep one of our staffers at the hotel next door last night so ensure we could have someone in first thing in the morning...

That was me... I knew I wasn't getting in any runs, so I hung out at work until 7:30 p.m., checked into what was actually a very swank hotel and got my rare Wendy's hamburger followed by a double-double at the Tim Hortons across the street (Canadians should get this reference). I was set to wake up at 5, then head into work to write a traffic story and get the web site up and running..

Of course, the weather had other ideas.. the windows were rattling all night, then at 3:15, while I was half asleep, I saw this huge flash of light... yep, from my 20th floor room, I saw that a transformer explosion caused the whole block, including the wendy's, the tims, the newspaper office and myhotel to lose power. Two hours later, on cue, the power was restored to all but my hotel, so without a shower and feeling quite gross, I used my cellphone to navigate down the stairwell (no emergency lights, people!). It was raining by then and the streets were icy.

It's funny, cause today was actually a very mild and acutally sunny. Which is to say that I finished work at 2 p.m., headed home and by 6 p.m., after a nap, I cast away my laziness and threw down a 10K run through downtown. The sidewalks were clear except for a 200m strech of snow/water.. and I mean lots of water. It was either run in this slush or run on the road... I picked the slush. I have newspaper stuffed into my shoes as I write this to suck the moisture out.

Coupled with a 11K on Tuesday and a 5K on Wednesday this week, I'm up to about 27K, which puts me striking distance of the 40K barrier... I must reach it, and I have no excuses! It's going to hit a high of 16C in DC tomorrow, the forecasts say. I just need 13K in two days and I'm sure I can handle that, right?


  1. Wow transformers are blowing up everywhere. Slushy isn't good, but it's a sign that warmer temps are coming. Spring's almost here.

    No emergency lights in the stairways? That's got to be a fire code violation.

  2. You guys got hit way harder compared to us!!! That's crazy! Oh well you'll be running in DC so you don'T have to be bother with the snow!!
    Take care
