
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Gone local? Not really...

In DC right now. I was going to get out there by 5 a.m., but didn't wake up until 5:30. Was out just after 6 a.m. and started running around the Mall.

Today, I hydrated properly. I filled by four fuel-belt bottles -- two with Gatorade and two with water. And also carried a bottle of Gatorade diluted with a little water. Twice, I was asked for directions -- first to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier (I pointed to Arlington Cemetery and I hoped I was right) the second person, a runner carrying a packback and other travelling gear, asked me where Constitution Ave. was.. I sorta knew but i'm never confident giving directions when I could be wrong.

At the 10K mark, I quickly went to R's condo for a washroom break and resumed the run. Ditching the bottle was finally freeing so I was left with four six ounce bottles for the remainder.

R called me yesterday in Toronto to tell me the weather was lovely -- the humidity was gone and the temperature was down. In fact, today was a great day for a long run. Even a little coolish at 7 a.m. and not yet hot. Happy with my hydration, I pushed up the pace for the second half of the run and crazily enough, I mapped out my route so well that I punched in at 24.5K one block away from R's condo, by the FBI building in Penn Quarter.

The week's runs are over.. I've now topped about 67K for the week... Two rest days in a row are planned, but I may do a 3 miler recovery run tomorrow morning.


  1. That's great the you got the chance to do some preview runs in DC. That's a pretty nice mileage total for the week at this point. Enjoy the rest days.

  2. It was a good run in DC.. so cool compared with temperatures the past month or so, I'm told (and I believe it).
