
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Rain? Check!

Just catching up. Ran my 8 miles with 11 100m strides on Tuesday, did 5 miles recovery on Wednesday.

Today, I was up at 4:30 a.m. for a 4:45 a.m. start to a 10 miler. I was dressed, water bottles ready and just walked outside when I saw that it just had started to rain. The prospect of running 16K in rain -- and in the dark -- just didn't appeal, and I was so tired anyways that I did a U-turn and headed back into bed. I think it's first time in a long time i've done that.

So this evening, I set out on the run with skies threatening rain. After the 2nd mile, it started: first drops, then a steady pattering, followed by a downpour. The hat was keeping the rain out of my face and shades, but I was getting soaked. And you know what? I loved it. Ran for another 3 miles in the rain before it stopped and passed many a runner and cyclist looking for shelters under bridges and trees. It just felt right. 16.1K in 1:22:51.


  1. Love runs like that! Thanks for the welcome!

  2. Being in So Cal, I dodged the rain for nearly a year. The first time I did run in the rain is wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Glad you enjoyed your run.

  3. good for you! I think it's hard to start out when it's pouring but once you get going if it then starts to rain, it's fun! But I wear a different pair of shoes for those runs.

  4. i like running in the rain since it keeps you cool You have to be careful about the chaffed nippled though!

  5. Fran, I had that exact thought! Luckily, didn't run long in the rain.
    Marky M, I stuff newspapers in my shoes... sucks up the water nicely
    Darrell and dream-mombo, thanks.. look forward to tracking your runs...
