
Friday, August 10, 2007

Gear check...

Originally uploaded by yumkerun
Was laying out my running gear for tomorrow's long run just now (18 miles/29K). I get them ready cause i'm planning on an early morning run (5 a.m.) so I can get it done by the time R. lands in Toronto at around 7:30 a.m. I hate fumbling around for clothes when I'm half asleep.

Which is when I saw how much gear I actually use. And the lack of brand loyalty I display. You know how they say that running is so cheap, just the cost of a pair of running shoes. Well, they weren't thinking of training for marathons...

Here's my gear in US$

$320: Garmin Forerunner 305 (with heart rate strap)
$90: Asics GT 2110
$40: Fuel Belt hydrating system (4 bottles)
$35: Saucony running top
$25: Race Ready shorts
$25: Nike Chicago 06 (RunChi) hat
$10: Nike thin socks
$2: Clif Bar
$2: Clif shots gels

Total cost: $550

I guess in perspective, I don't pay gym fees, so I can justify the expense... Can't argue with the 1400+ kilometres (870 miles) i've done on the roads so far...


  1. Gear can get expensive, though a lot of it is a one time cost. I'll be at the 15k next week so I"ll probably see you there.

  2. I know exactly what you mean! And add registration and travelling to races to that! So expensive! Hope the 18 miler went well.

  3. Well, I guess we can all spend that money on things that won't give us the runner's high we constantly seek.

  4. Anonymous6:45 PM

    running gear is not expensive compared with other sports -- ie: golf, horseback riding, sailing and tennis
