
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Long run done

Wasn't the greatest setup for a long run: 3.5 hours sleep and it started at 5:11 a.m.
Overall, I'm fairly happy with the run and looking forward to future challenges when I have to do long runs at marathon pace (7:40 ish)

Here's the rundown

Distance: 18 miles (29K)
Time: 2:30:46
Pace: 8:21 mile/5:11 kilometres
Heart rate: 151 bpm

Mile splits

1.: 9:02
2.: 9:04
3.: 8:43
4.: 8:36
5.: 8:21
6.: 8:18
7.: 8:19
8.: 8:21
9.: 8:16
10.: 8:00
11.: 8:13
12.: 8:12
13.: 8:00
14.: 8:14
15.: 8:16
16.: 8:14
17.: 8:15
18.: 8:01

I'm fairly happy with this run. I did the second half faster and the overall pace was right on target. Pfitzinger suggests long runs be done 10 to 20% slower than marathon race pace, a large band between 8:20 and 9:10 pace so I was able to do it at the faster end...

Tomorrow, a 7 mile run with 8 100m strides

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